VISIONxe’s Online-Billboards are landing pages designed as online extensions to offline ads. They parallel or simulate the look and feel of the offline ad; they add depth with rich media; they offer friendly and easy engagement options, and they are fully customizable.
Seamless and ready transition from offline to online is facilitated by premium, attractive, memorable, iconic, easy-to-type URLs.
VISIONxe Inc. has meticulously acquired and compiled the world’s largest collection of advertising friendly domains, over six thousand and counting.
The URLs are all memorable, familiar, contemporary, nostalgic, iconic or suggestive. Many would evoke the excitement of the young, many the curiosity of the thoughtful, and many would allure as they could be deliciously nuanced; and all finger-friendly on smartphones or tablets.
In a world with a confusing array of hundreds of new TLD’s, how happy would consumers be with a single TLD gracing most of the ads they see?
Visionxe owns the world’s single largest collection of ad-friendly domains (6000+) all in a single TLD – .Tel
Tel has a great advantage. While most new TLD’s are English language specific, TEL as a symbol has deep roots and is universally recognized across all countries and cultures,and it is easy to remember
VisionXE’s Online Billboards are ideal for:
Advertising Engagement – Agencies & Brands
Can be offered as a value add by OOH media owners.